Cancer Treatment in India for Zimbabwe Patients
Disease Cancer does not discriminate on grounds of socioeconomic status, rather it can occur in anyone either from a developed country, a developing country, or an underdeveloped country. Cancer can affect people from all walks of life including men, women, and children. Diagnosis of cancer in a patient induces fear in the patient and their families as it is still looked at as a death sentence. Cancer patients from many countries visit India for complete and comprehensive cancer treatments. The robust, well-managed, greatly evolved, and globally acknowledged healthcare systems in India offer comprehensive cancer treatment for Zimbabwean patients.
Cancer Treatment in India for Zimbabwean Patients - Table of contents
Prevalence of Disease Cancer Among Zimbabwean Patients
Disease cancer is a major Healthcare Concern among the Global Population. Zimbabwe is a southern African country with a population of around 16 million and a literacy rate of around 92%. Zimbabwe is one of the emerging economies in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) region. However, the healthcare Systems in Zimbabwe are not able to cater to the needs of the Zimbabwean population. Cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment pose great challenges, particularly in resource-constrained Zimbabwe. At Present approximately more than 5000 new cancer patients are diagnosed in Zimbabwe annually. The actual number of cancer patients in the Zimbabwean population may be much higher due to underreporting and scarcity of diagnostic facilities. Most of the common cancers in Zimbabwean Patients are associated with an aging population, unhealthy lifestyles, and infectious diseases like HIV and AIDS. As per the current reports the Number of Zimbabwean Women affected by cancer is almost twice the number of Male Zimbabweans. The number of women dying due to cancer is much higher than the Zimbabwean men.
The Most common cancers among the Zimbabwean Population
In 2022, 6505 Zimbabwe men and 11220 Zimbabwean women Zimbabwean were reported to be affected by disease cancer. In the last five years, approximately 38'000 Zimbabweans have been reported to have suffered from disease cancer.
The Common Cancers among Zimbabwean Women
Zimbabwean Women patients are affected more with cancer as compared to Zimbabwean Men. The Most Common Cancers among Zimbabwean Women are:
CA Cervix (Cervical Cancer) or Uterine Cancers among Zimbabwean Women
CA Cervix and Uterine cancers are the highest cancers among Zimbabwean Patients. Almost 3550 Zimbabwean women are diagnosed with cervical and uterine cancers annually and nearly 1975 women die in Zimbabwe due to cervical and Uterine cancers. Cervical and Uterine cancers account for almost 31% of all the new cancers diagnosed in Zimbabwean women. Infection with HIV among Zimbabwean women is a significant reason for cervical and Uterine Cancers. Most of the time the CA Cervix and Uterine cancers in Zimbabwean women are diagnosed in an advanced stage due to lack of adequate screening and diagnostic facilities. Many Zimbabwean women with cervical cancer visit India for comprehensive cancer treatments.
Breast Cancer is the second most common cancer in Zimbabwean Women
The second most common cancer in Zimbabwean Women is breast cancer. Approximately 1800 breast cancers are diagnosed annually among Zimbabwean Women and account for almost 16% of all newly diagnosed cancers. Although Major cities of Zimbabwe like Bulawayo and Harare have specialized oncology services but still Zimbabwean women are still diagnosed with breast cancer in advanced stages and thereby poor prognosis. The first choice among other international cancer treatment destinations, India is preferred for breast cancer treatment among Zimbabwean breast cancer patients.
Zimbabwean Women prefer India for non-Hodgkins lymphoma treatment
The fifth-highest cancer among the Zimbabwean population is the NHL. Almost 500 new NHL cases are diagnosed amongst Zimbabwean Patients, which accounts for almost 5% of all Cancers in Zimbabwean women. The prevalence of NHL among Zimbabwean women is comparatively higher among women of other nations. HIV among Zimbabwean women is a significant factor for a relatively higher number of NHL. Zimbabwean citizens prefer India for non-Hodgkins lymphoma treatment. Burkitt's Lymphoma is a common type of NHL affecting younger Zimbabwean women and children.
Esophageal Cancer among Zimbabwean Women
Almost 460 new esophagus cancers are diagnosed among Zimbabwean women accounting for almost 4.2% of all cancers among Zimbabwean Women. CMCS Health, the leading Medical Tourism Provider agency for Zimbabwean Cancer Patients offers comprehensive esophagus cancer treatment in India.