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Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery

Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery

Heart Pacemaker or ICD Implant Surgery in India is a popular procedure among foreign patients. It is recommended for Patients with irregular Heart Rhythm, also called arrhythmia. The Heart Pacemaker Implant procedure can be done either with a minimally invasive Cardiac Catheterization procedure, a minimally invasive intravenous approach, or Epicardial Surgery. CMCS Health, the leading Medical Tourism Provider Agency for Foreigners is associated with the Top Interventional Cardiologists specially trained in Cardiac Electrophysiology. We coordinate cost-effective Heart Pacemakers, and ICD surgery for Foreigners seeking Heart Treatments in India.

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Heart Pacemaker or Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Surgery in India

Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery or Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) surgery in India is a popular Heart Procedure among Foreign Heart Patients. Heart Patients with irregular Heart Rhythm are advised to have a Pacemaker Implant or ICD implant Surgery to regulate the Heart Rhythm. India is among the Top Medical Tourism Destinations for world-class affordable Heart Treatments. CMCS Health, the Best Medical Tourism Company in India has partnered with the Top Cardiology (Heart) Treatment Hospitals for Heart Treatment of Foreign Patients in India. We have successfully coordinated the Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery for International Patients from Africa (Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Madagascar), Middle Eastern Countries (Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arab), Central Asian Countries (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan).

Table of Contents - Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery for Foreign Patients.

  • Introduction about Heart Pacemaker Implant In India for Foreigners.
  • Why a Heart Pacemaker Implant is Needed?
  • What are the symptoms that indicate the need for a Pacemaker Implant Surgery?
  • What Diagnostic tests are needed to confirm the need for a Heart Pacemaker Implant?
  • What is a Heart Pacemaker or Cardiac Pacer Devise?
  • What are the different Types of Heart Pacemakers?
  • How do Implantable cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD) differ from a Heart Pacemaker?
  • Why Foreign Patients Prefer India for Heart Pacemaker Implant or ICD Surgery?
  • What is the Cost of Heart Pacemaker Implant or ICD Surgery in India?
  • What is the Success Rate of Heart Pacemaker Implant or ICD Surgery in India?
  • Who are the best cardiologists in India for heart pacemaker implants or ICD Surgery?
  • How will I come to India for a Heart Pacemaker Implant Procedure?
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Heart Pacemaker or ICD implant Surgery in India?

The Need for Heart Pacemaker Implant 

Patients diagnosed with irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia) who have not benefited from conservative treatments may require a Pacemaker Implant Surgery. After carefully evaluating the investigation reports of the patient, taking a medical history, and determining the patient's medical complaints, the electrophysiology cardiologist will recommend a heart pacemaker implant surgery. 

  • A Pacemaker Implant Surgery is needed by patients with longstanding (chronic) slow or abnormal Heartbeats.
  • Chronic Heart Failure patients will also need Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery.

Symptoms that indicate the need for a Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery

Patients with the following symptoms may be evaluated thoroughly by a cardiologist. If some of these symptoms are prominent in a Heart Patient, the treating Cardiologist will recommend certain investigations to confirm the need for a Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery:

  • A persistent feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness is felt when the patient is standing.
  • The persistent feeling of generalized malice makes performing daily core activities a daunting task.
  • Muscle weakness in arms and legs.
  • The feeling of mental confusion occurring due to lack of oxygenated blood supply to Brain tissues.
  • Heart fluttering or pounding sensations.
  • A consistent lower than 90 pulse rate.
  • Persistent swelling in the feet or on ankles, legs, or abdomen.

Diagnostic Tests to confirm the need for a Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery

If a patient has any of the above symptoms, and the treating doctor suspects that the patient may have cardiac Arrhythmia or chronic heart failure, he may recommend the following diagnostic investigations to confirm the need for a Heart Pacemaker Implant Surgery:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  • Echocardiography (Echo or Cardiac Ultrasound)
  • Holter Monitor to assess any irregular heart rhythm.
  • Stress Echo (treadmill Test or dobutamine stress test)
  • In certain patients, cardiac catheterization or angiography may also be done.
  • Imaging tests like Chest X-ray, CT Scan, or MRI of the Heart.

The Above investigations will assist the treating Cardiologist in determining the need for a heart Pacemaker implant Surgery.

Heart Pacemaker or Cardiac Pacer devise

The healthy human heart has it’s electrical systems. These Electrical impulses generated in heart walls govern the squeezing and expanding of the heart chambers (heartbeats). These squeezing and expanding of the heart chambers bring the oxygenated blood to the Heart and pump it out to the rest of the body. The Heartbeats follow a synchronized rhythm. At times the heartbeats become too slow (arrhythmia) and the heart is not able to pump oxygenated blood to body tissues. When other treatment fails to correct the heart rhythm, a Heart pacemaker implant surgery is recommended. A Heart Pacemaker is recommended for Slow heart rhythm (bradycardia), Syncope (fainting episodes), Heart Failure, and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Pacemakers use electrical impulses to correct these kinds of malfunctions. Heart Pacemakers or Heart (cardiac) Pacing devices are small, battery-operated devices that are implanted under the skin near the heart to help regulate the heartbeat. Heart Pacemakers constitute of two parts:

Pulse Generator

A Cardiac Pulse Generator is a metal box that has a battery and electric circuits. The electronic circuitry produces output that travels through a connecting pathway to stimulate the heart and then flows back into the pacemaker to complete the circuit. 

The Leads

Leads are flexible, insulated wires. One to three wires are placed in one or more of the heart's chambers. The wires send the electrical signals needed to correct an irregular heartbeat. 

Types of Heart Pacemakers 

The Electrophysiology Cardiologist will evaluate the patient carefully before recommending the Type of Heart Pacemakers. The Heart Pacemakers could be the Traditional Pulse Generator and Leads models, or the Modern Leadless Pacemakers that do not contain the transvenous leads. The Common types of Traditional Heart Pacemakers are:

Single Chamber Heart Pacemakers

A single-chamber heart Pacemaker has a Pulse generator and a single lead attached to a single heart chamber.

Double Chamber Heart Pacemakers

A Double Chamber Heart Pacemaker has a pulse generator with two leads attached to two heart chambers.

Biventricular Heart Pacemakers

A Biventricular Heart Pacemaker has a pulse generator and three leads connected to the two lower heart chambers (ventricles) and the right upper heart chamber (right atrium). Biventricular Heart pacemakers are also called Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT).

Leadless Heart Pacemaker

Leadless Heart Pacemakers have a pulse generator but no attached leads. The device is implanted directly into the wall of the right lower heart chamber (right ventricle). They are useful for patients undergoing hemodialysis for renal failure.

Heart Pacemakers Vs. Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) 

Bot the Cardiac Pacers (Heart Pacemakers) and ICDs are internally implanted medical devices used to treat various types of arrhythmia. Heart Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD) seem similar in their mechanism but have different functions. Heart Pacemakers increase the slow heartbeats to a normal heartbeat in arrhythmia patients; however, the ICD devices can deliver an electric shock to regulate abnormal heartbeats. An ICD continuously checks the heartbeat. It provides electric shocks, when needed, to restore a regular heart rhythm. Patients with dangerously fast heartbeat called ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation are recommended an ICD implant. An Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is the backbone of medical treatments for patients who have survived cardiac arrest. The ICD implant surgery is the preferred Medical Treatment for people at high risk of sudden cardiac arrest. 

Types of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Devices

Like the Cardiac Pacer devices (Heart Pacemakers), ICD devices also have different types to suit the medical condition and needs of every heart arrhythmia patient. The two major types of ICD devices are:

Traditional ICDs

Traditional implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators are battery-powered devices implanted inside the chest with leads or electrodes connected to the heart. 

Subcutaneous ICDs (S-ICDs)

The Subcutaneous ICD is implanted under the skin at the side of the chest below the armpit and doesn’t attach to the heart. It’s attached to a lead or an electrode that runs along the breastbone.

The need for ICD Implants

ICDs are recommended for Ventricular Arrhythmias, Survivors of Cardiac Arrests, Long QT Syndrome, certain Congenital heart defects, and Brugada Syndrome.

Foreign Patients prefer Heart Pacemakers and ICD Implant surgery in India.

Foreign patients from many countries across the World prefer India for Cardiac Pacemakers and ICD implant surgery. International Medical travelers from Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Iraq, Saudi Arab, Oman, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and  Bangladesh come to India for the following reasons:

Competency and Expertise of Indian Intervention and Electrophysiologic Cardiologists

Indian Interventional and Electrophysiological cardiologists are specially trained from the top Cardiology institutes in the world. They have vast clinical experience in Heart Pacemaker and ICD implant surgery for both Indian and Foreign Patients.

Video - Top 10 Best Interventional and Electrophysiological Cardiologists in India.

Top Heart Treatment Centers in India

The Top Interventional Cardiology and Heart Surgery centers in India are JCI, NABH, and NABL accredited for hassle-free medical treatments of foreign Heart Patients. These Hospitals are well-equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art infrastructures for the Heart Pacemaker implant and ICD implant surgeries.

Ease of Travel to India

Because of the Indian Government's new medical visa processing policies and granting of E- e-medical visas to patients from Many countries, traveling to India for Heart Pacemakers and ICD implant surgeries is much easier and less time-consuming. 

No waiting period for Foreign Patients

There is no waiting period or long queues for International patients seeking Heart Pacemaker and ICD implant surgery in India.

Low Cost of Medical Treatments and associated logistics

The reasonable cost of Heart Pacemaker and ICD implant surgery and the significantly lower cost of associated logistics have made India a chosen destination among Foreign Patients.

Best Medical Tourism Assistance Services

CMCS Health, the leading medical tourism provider agency in India for foreign patients delivers the best and value for money services to International patients. The Medical Visa assistance, scheduling the appointments with treating doctors, cost estimation of the medical treatments, and medical treatment coordination are done with professional ethics and total transparency. 

The Cost of Heart Pacemaker and ICD Implant Surgery in India

The cost of Heart Pacemakers and Implant surgery depends on the type of surgery, the type and cost of the Heart pacemaker or ICDs, diagnostic tests needed, The Hospital stay of the patient, and the treatment follow-up cost. The Average Heart pacemaker or ICD implant Surgery cost at the Top Cardiology centers in India is mentioned in The table:

Work-up Investigations cost  Approx. 500 - 1000 USD
Heart Pacemaker/ ICD Implant Surgery Cost Approx. 3500 - 5500 USD 


  • The above-mentioned cost of Heart Pacemaker or ICD implant surgery is an average cost estimation. 
  • Please note that the cost of the device depends on the type and make of the device. The surgery package may vary depending on the type and make of the device. 

The Success Rate of Heart Pacemaker or ICD Implant Surgery in India

The Success Rates for a Heart pacemaker Or ICD implant Surgery in India at Top Heart Surgery and Cardiac Treatment centers is as good as 98%. But like any other surgery, there may be the risk of certain complications. The Top Indian Cardiology centers are well-equipped and well-managed to overcome any complications arising out of the situation.

Best Interventional Cardiologists in India for Heart Pacemaker or ICD Implant Surgery for Foreign Patients

The Best Doctors or Interventional Cardiologist for Heart Pacemaker or ICD Implant surgery for foreign patients in India are:

Best Doctor for ICD Implant or Heart Pacemaker Surgery in India for Foreign Patients.

Dr. Ashok Seth

Chairman - Cardiac Sciences and Intervention Cardiology.

Fortis Escorts Heart Institute,

New Delhi, India.

Dr. T S Kler

Chairman & HOD - BLK-Max Heart & Vascular Institute

BLK Max Hospital, 

New Delhi, India.

Best Heart Pacemaker and ICD implant Specialist for International Patients.

Dr. Nikhil Kumar

Director - Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology

Fortis Memorial Research Institute,

Gurugram, India.

Dr. Robert Mao

Senior Intervention Cardiologist

Apollo Hospital _ Greams Road

Chennai, India.


Dr. Narayanan A L

Senior Consultant

MGM Healthcare

Chennai, India.

The Best way for an International Patient to come to India for a Heart Pacemaker or ICD Implant Surgery

Foreign Patients can get assistance from the Best Medical Tourism company in India, CMCS Health. Our patient care experts will Assist International Patients with their medical treatment in India and other logistics.

Foreign Patients seeking Heart Pacemaker or ICD Implant Surgery in India can Click Here to Choose the Best Doctors and Top Hospitals for their Medical Treatment in India. Foreign Patients can Click Here to get a Heart Pacemaker or ICD Implant Surgery Cost Estimate and Medical Visa Invitation Letter from their chosen Indian Hospital.