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Pediatric cardiology - Congenital heart defect treatments

Pediatric cardiology - Congenital heart defect treatments

Congenital heart defects are anomalies in the formation of the heart and cardiovascular system in the fetal phase of a child. Children born with congenital defects fail to thrive and grow normally. CMCS Health is associated with the best pediatric cardiology doctors in India for successful congenital heart defect treatments for international patients. We have facilitated scores of successful congenital heart defect treatments in India at top hospitals for pediatric cardiology in India.

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Pediatric cardiology - congenital heart defect treatments:

Congenital heart defects (CHD) are anomalies in the formation of heart and heart blood vessels during the fetal phase of a child. A child born with a congenital heart defect fails to thrive at times. Some of the congenital heart defects may not be severe and will not cause any symptoms. At times congenital heart defects may not be diagnosed until childhood,  adolescence, or even adulthood. Some CHD patients may have severe congenital heart defects and symptoms may appear immediately after the birth or during infancy. These patients will require medical intervention even during infancy. Most congenital heart defects can be corrected either with surgery or cardiac catheterization (minimally invasive pediatric cardiology treatment). CMCS Health is associated with the best pediatric cardiology doctors in India at top pediatric cardiology hospitals to provide congenital heart defect treatments.


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Congenital heart defect treatments in India

India is a preferred destination for congenital heart defect treatments among international patients seeking specialized medical treatments offshore. Best doctors in India offer successful medical treatments (both minimally invasive cardiac catheterization and open heart surgeries) for the following congenital heart defects at the top child heart surgery hospitals:

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) correction

 A ductus arteriosus is a short blood vessel that connects the fetal pulmonary artery to the aorta. During fetal development, the ductus arteriosus allows oxygenated blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation and provides nutritional and oxygen-rich blood directly into the systemic circulation. The Ductus arteriosus usually closes once a child is born. In some children, the ductus arteriosus does not close and there is a persistent opening between the two major blood vessels. This abnormal medical condition is called Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Small PDA does not require medical intervention but if it causes serious problems, it may need medical intervention. The best pediatric cardiology doctors in India offer two types of treatments for patent ductus arteriosus.

Treatments for Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)

  • Closing the PDA by minimally invasive cardiac catheterization (closing it with a coil or plug)
  • Open heart surgery may also be performed for some patients with ductus arteriosus for surgical closure of PDA.

Atrial septal defect (ASD) repair

The atrial septum is the separating wall between the two upper heart chambers (atria). At times the atrial septum is not formed properly during fetal growth. ASD is also known as a "hole in the heart". In an atrial septal defect, the malformed wall between the right and left atria (hone in the heart) allows the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The oxygenated blood is passed from the left atrium to the left ventricle and then pumped out of the body to the rest of the body tissues. The deoxygenated blood is oxygenated in the lungs. Due to an atrial septal defect, the oxygenated blood flows back to the right atrium and then passes to the lungs again thereby increasing the workload of the lungs. Normally a smaller ASD is left untreated but a bigger ASD will require medical intervention. As the patient with ASD grows older, sometimes the ASD also gets bigger and may cause serious heart and lung problems. CMCS Health, a leading medical tourism assistance company in India offers specialized medical treatments for atrial septal defects with the best pediatric cardiology doctors in India at top hospitals. 

Atrial septal defect (ASD) treatments:

  • Minimally invasive cardiac catheterization procedures performed by an intervention cardiologist
  • An Open heart surgery performed by a CVTS (cardiovascular thoracic surgeon) 

Ventricular Septal defect (VSD) treatment

A ventricular septal defect is a malformed wall between the lower chamber of the heart (ventricles). The ventricular septal defect is also called a hole in the lower heart chambers.  Small ventricular septal defects may not require any medical intervention but large ventricular septal defects will need surgery. In small children with medium or big ventricular septal defects, two surgeries will be needed. A temporary early surgery called pulmonary artery banding to reduce the symptoms and let the child thrive and later a permanent closure of the ventricular septal defect. The best pediatric cardiology doctors in India perform three types of specialized medical treatments for ventricular septal defect (VSD). 

Treatments for ventricular septal defect (VSD):

  • A pulmonary artery bonding is done for small children with medium to large ventricular septal defects to reduce the symptoms and let the child thrive. It is followed by a later treatment for permanent VSD closure
  • The cardiac catheterization procedure for the treatment of VSD closure involves using a septal occluder to close the VSD
  • An open heart surgery involves closing the hole in the lower heart chambers either with a patch or stitches

Coarctation of Aorta treatment

Aorta is the main blood vessel in the human body. It supplies oxygenated blood to the lower body. Coarctation of the aorta is a narrowing of the aorta at some point. It restricts the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the lower extremities. Usually, coarctation occurs in the descending aorta. It is a congenital defect. When the narrowing is big in a child, he/she may exhibit the symptoms and will require immediate medical intervention. If the narrowing allows the blood flow despite the narrowing, the symptoms may appear later in life, maybe during adolescence or adulthood. Children with coarctation of the aorta will also have other congenital heart defects like bicuspid aortic valve, subaortic stenosis, patent ductus arteriosus, ASD and VSD, and congenital mitral valve stenosis.
Coarctation of the aorta may cause abnormally high blood pressure, brain aneurysm, bleeding in the brain, aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, coronary artery disease, or even a stroke.

Treatments for coarctation of aorta:

The best pediatric cardiology doctors in India offer the following treatment options for coarctation of the aorta:
