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Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) treatment

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) treatment

Bone marrow transplant ( BMT ) Treatment or stem cell transplant is an effective treatment option for many blood disorders including blood cancers ( leukemia and myeloma) as well as noncancerous blood disorders ( thalassemia, sickle cell disease, and aplastic anemia, etc.). Bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment involves replacing faulty or damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow from a donor ( Allogenic) or post-treatment from the patient (Autologous). Get a cost-effective bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment from the World's best Hematologist and Bone marrow transplant (BMT) doctors with our assistance.

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Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Treatment

Bone marrow transplant also called hemopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) is a viable treatment option for many blood disorders and other medical conditions. Blood disorders could be malignant ( Blood cancers ) or non-malignant ( non-cancerous). Other medical conditions that can be treated with bone marrow transplants are certain solid tumors ( Ewing's sarcoma, Wilm's tumor, and neuroblastoma) and autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, and Crohn's disease. At CMCS Health, we are associated with the World's best Hematologists and Bone marrow transplant (BMT) doctors for successful Bone marrow transplant ( BMT) treatment for Blood Cancers( leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma), benign blood disorders ( Aplastic Anemia, Thalassemia, Sickle cell anemia ), certain solid tumors and autoimmune disorders. Bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment replaces faulty or damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow either from an HLA matching donor (Allogenic) or post-treatment from the patient itself(Autologous). As the best medical tourism assistance company in India, we offer successful bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatments at the lowest cost with the best bone marrow transplant doctors in India.


Video - complete know-how about bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment.


Common types of bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment in India:

Our associated best bone marrow transplant doctors in India are performing all three types of bone marrow transplants with success rates that are the best anywhere in the world.

1. Allogenic Bone marrow transplant ( Allogenic HSCT ):

Allogenic bone marrow transplant involves replacing the damaged or faulty bone marrow in the patient with a healthy donor. This donor could be a blood relative of the patient or unrelated. Before receiving a bone marrow transplant from a healthy donor, the patient has to undergo a conditioning regimen consisting of either chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and in some patients both of them. Conditioning therapy destroys any abnormal blood cells or cancer cells and also decreases the immunity of the patients so the new bone marrow graft is not rejected by the patient's body. The conditioning regimen before the bone marrow or HSC transplant allows the donor cells to move through the bloodstream to the patient's bone marrow, where the donor cells start to grow and produce new red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The process of growth of a donor's stem cell in a patient's bone marrow is called bone marrow engraftment.

Types of Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT):

Once a decision is taken by the treating hematologist that the patient's medical condition can be cured or treated by a bone marrow transplant he/she will order an HLA match of the patient with that of a potential donor. There are different HLA markers. Every child inherits half of their HLA markers from their mother and half from their father, so most often the ideal donor is a patient’s biological brother or sister (who has inherited the same HLA markers).  Allogenic bone marrow transplants are again of three types depending on the HLA match.

  • 100 % HLA matching donors who are also a real brother or sister of the patient are considered the best match.
  • Half-match or Haploidentical donor bone marrow transplants are done with either the parents or with a sibling, where all the 12 HLA proteins do not match. The patient will also be tested for donor-specific antibodies with the half-match donor and may have to undergo plasma apheresis along with a rigorous conditioning regimen to reduce the risk of graft rejection and Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD).
  • Matching unrelated donor ( MUD ) bone marrow transplant is done by matching the patient's HLA with the unrelated bone marrow donors from the bone marrow registries. But the probability of getting such a donor is very low  ( 1 in a million ) and the cost of bone marrow transplant (BMT) will also increase considerably.

2. Autologous bone marrow transplant :

Autologous bone marrow transplants use a patient's stem cells for a bone marrow transplant. Stem cells are collected from the patient and frozen, the Patient undergoes high doses of chemotherapy sometimes combined with radiation therapy, and after that patient's frozen stem cells are re-infused into his/her body.

3. Umbilical cord Bone marrow transplant:

Umbilical cord blood is obtained from the umbilical cord and placenta of an infant, donated by her mother post-childbirth. Stem cells are taken from an umbilical cord immediately after delivery of an infant. These stem cells reproduce into mature, functioning blood cells. Cord blood has a higher concentration of stem cells than is normally found in adult blood, but the small quantity of blood obtained from an umbilical cord (typically about 50 ml) makes it more suitable for transplantation into small children than into adults.

The success rate of bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment in India:

New and pinpointed diagnostic facilities combined with state-of-the-art modern infrastructures equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies and recent research have revolutionized specialized medical treatments. Bone marrow transplants or stem cell transplants are newer treatments that have brought hope and success in many complicated medical conditions. At CMCS Health we are associated with the best bone marrow transplant (BMT) doctors for cost-effective bone marrow transplants in India. The success rate of bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment in India, depends on the medical condition of the patient, the disease for which BMT is being done, and the type of donor. India offers reasonably high success rates for bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatments with careful screening of the patient and donor and the exceptional expertise of the best bone marrow transplant (BMT) doctors.

Important Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment Links 👇


Important bone marrow transplant treatment links

Sickle cell disease curative treatment

Thalassemia curative treatment

Aplastic anemia curative treatment

Pediatric (childhood) leukemia treatment

Adult leukemia treatments

Myeloma treatments

Lymphoma treatment

Multiple Sclerosis treatment


Bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment for blood cancers:

Blood cancers are a group of cancers of bone marrow, blood cells, and associated lymphatic systems. Blood cancers disrupt the production of normal blood cells and their functioning. Blood cancers can be acute ( which spreads rapidly ) and Chronic ( grows slowly and over some time). Common blood cancers treated with the best Bone marrow transplant doctors in India are:

  • Leukemia
  • Myeloma 
  • Lymphomas
  • Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Video - A successful allogeneic BMT for relapsed AML ( Acute Myeloid leukemia ) in India.



Benign blood disorders treated with bone marrow transplant (BMT) in India:

Certain non-cancerous (Benign) blood disorders are also treated with bone marrow transplants. The benign blood disorders treated with bone marrow transplant (BMT) are :

  • Sickle cell disease
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Thalassemia
  • Fanconi Anemia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Immune deficiency syndrome


Video - A successful Allogenic BMT for Aplastic Anemia in India.


Bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment for solid tumors and other medical conditions:

Certain solid tumors that can be treated well with bone marrow transplants ( BMT ) are :

  • Ewing's Sarcoma
  • Neuroblastoma 
  • Wilms tumor 

Certain refractory solid tumors like kidney cancers, ovarian cancers, and even colon cancers can be better treated with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) along with reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC).

Bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment for autoimmune disorders:

The best bone marrow transplant doctors in India are routinely performing successful bone marrow transplant treatment of certain autoimmune disorders like:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Scleroderma

The need for Bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment:

A bone marrow or stem cell transplant is performed when the treating hematologist or BMT specialists observe that a patient's bone marrow is either damaged or not able to produce the normal quantity of red blood cells ( Erythrocytes ), White blood cells ( granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes ) and platelets or thrombocytes. A bone marrow or stem cell transplant is considered a viable treatment option when:

  • Bone marrow is nonfunctioning (not producing adequate normal RBC, WBC, and platelets) or damaged.
  • For regenerating a new immune system
  • Rescue process by replacing bone marrow and restoring its normal function

Bone marrow or stem cell collection from a donor:

There are generally two ways of bone marrow or stem cell collection for a bone marrow or stem cell transplant. At CMCS Health, we are associated with the best bone marrow transplant doctors for cost-effective and affordable bone marrow/stem cell transplants.

Peripheral stem cell collection for a bone marrow transplant treatment:

Peripheral stem cell collection starts with the donor being injected with granulocytes - colony-stimulating factor ( G-CSF) for four to five days before the peripheral stem cell collection. These G-CSF injections stimulate the bone marrow of the donor to produce more of the granulocytes and force them to come into the bloodstream. Peripheral hemopoietic stem cell or bone marrow cell collection is done with an apheresis machine that separates all the components of blood like plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. An apheresis machine separates and stores the peripheral hemopoietic stem cells or bone marrow cells and the remaining blood components are reinfused into the donor's body. Generally, the peripheral stem cell collection is done with one apheresis session lasting for approximately 8 hours. In rare instances, it can be done in two apheresis sessions consisting of 4 to 6 hours each.

Bone marrow Harvesting for bone marrow transplant treatment:

Bone marrow harvesting is done as a daycare procedure. The donor is given local anesthesia and the procedure is performed in the OT (Operation Theater). Needles are used to withdraw liquid marrow (where the body’s blood-forming cells are made) from both sides of the back of the pelvic bone, in some cases from the sternum. Usually, for most of the donors, the collected bone marrow cells are replenished in two to three weeks. 

Selecting a bone marrow donor for bone marrow transplant treatment:

The first thing a treating hematologist and BMT specialist doctor will do once he/she is convinced that the patient will benefit from a bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment is to find the right donor. In autologous bone marrow transplants, the patient's bone marrow is used for bone marrow transplant,  while in allogeneic bone marrow transplants, a suitable donor is selected by matching the Human Leukocyte antigen ( HLA ) of the recipient and donor. A hematologist or bone marrow transplant specialist doctor will ask for a high-resolution HLA test of the patient and prospective donor. The best bone marrow donor would be a 100% HLA-matching real brother or sister of the patient. In case a 100% HLA-matching sibling donor is not available, doctors may consider a HAPLO Identical ( Half matched ) donor. This donor could be either of the parents or any brother or sister of the patient.

Another option for selecting the right bone marrow donor is getting an HLA-matching unrelated bone marrow or stem cell donor (MUD). The treating hematologist and BMT specialist doctor team will match the high-resolution HLA of the patient with a donor registered with international bone marrow registries. Although the chances are not very bright, it is done to get an HLA matching donor for the patient to avoid complications of Haploidentical bone marrow transplants.

Steps of bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatments:

Bone marrow or stem cell transplant involves the following processes for the recipient.

Conditioning before the bone marrow transplant:

Conditioning regimens consist of either chemotherapy or in some cases both chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The conditioning regimen depends on the type of disease, type of bone marrow transplant ( Autologous or allogenic ), and overall health of the patient. In some patients, the conditioning regimen may involve only chemotherapy while in leukemia or other cases, it may add radiation therapy too. The objective of the conditioning regimen for cancer patients is to destroy cancer cells that may have infiltrated other tissues of the body, suppress the immune system, and prepare the bone marrow of the patient for acceptance of the new ( donor ) bone marrow or stem cells. As the bone marrow produces all the blood cells in our body, a conditioning regimen stops the process of cell division in the bone marrow, and the bone marrow of the patients becomes empty. The therapy is also called ablative or myeloablative therapy because of its effect on bone marrow. The conditioning regimen before the bone marrow or stem cell transplant is intended to empty the bone marrow of the patient so the new transplanted ( donor ) bone marrow or stem cells get the room to grow and establish a new blood cell ( hemopoietic) production system.

Bone marrow or stem cell Infusion (Transplant):

Post the conditioning regimen the patient is infused with donor stem cells through the central venous catheter put earlier. Bone marrow or stem cell transplant is usually done one or two days after the completion of the conditioning regimen. It is not a surgical procedure but is similar to receiving a blood transfusion. The process is completely painless and takes a few hours. The donor stem cells travel through the bloodstream and into the bone marrow and start reproducing and growing new, healthy blood cells.

Bone marrow engraftment:

After the bone marrow transplant, the newly infused donor bone marrow or stem cells travel through the bloodstream and find their way to the empty bone marrow of the patient. The newly infused stem cells start reproducing and growing new healthy blood cells. This process is called engraftment. It takes several weeks before the blood cell count in transplant patients returns to the standard range post a successful bone marrow transplant. It may vary from patient to patient. Usually, engraftment takes place 15 to 30 days post the bone marrow transplant. Engraftment can be delayed because of infection, medicines, low donated stem cell count, or graft failure. 

Post-bone marrow transplant care: 

After successful engraftment, the best bone marrow specialist doctors in India will monitor the progress of the patient with repeated blood counts. The patient usually stays in an isolated Bone marrow transplant ICU for three to four weeks post-successful bone marrow transplant to avoid any infections and for close observation. The patient may also need periodic blood transfusions of red blood cells and platelets until the patient's bone marrow starts producing enough of them. The patient will also be put on immunosuppressive medications to prevent graft rejection. Best Bone marrow transplant doctors in India will also recommend chimerism monitoring.

Chimerism Monitoring:

Chimerism monitoring is an important tool for predicting the success of HSCT ( bone marrow transplant ). Chimerism monitoring consists of analyzing the ratio of donor and recipient cells in a patient’s blood or bone marrow post-transplantation. By monitoring chimerism levels, the bone marrow transplant team will gain valuable insights into engraftment, graft rejection, relapse, and other critical aspects of the transplant process. Chimerism monitoring confirms the successful engraftment of donor stem cells in the recipient. Early detection of inadequate engraftment helps the bone marrow transplant team identify potential complications and take appropriate interventions promptly. Chimerism monitoring also helps the bone marrow transplant team in predicting disease relapse after transplantation. Through close monitoring of chimerism levels, the bone marrow transplant team can make informed decisions about modifying immunosuppressive medications or intensifying post-transplant treatment.

Bone marrow transplant treatment complications:

A bone marrow transplant is a complicated medical treatment. Some patients may face complications and side effects of a bone marrow transplant. Complications may depend on the type of transplant ( 100% HLA matching real sibling transplant, HAPLO identical bone marrow transplant, or matching unrelated donor transplants), type of disease, conditioning regimen, age, overall health of the patient and any severe complication arising out of BMT procedure. The common complications and side effects of bone marrow transplants are:

  • Bacterial, viral, and fungal Infections
  • Thrombocytopenia ( Low platelet count ) or anemia ( low red blood cells)
  • Mucositis ( Inflammation in mouth and gastrointestinal tract )
  • Fluid overload ( Water retention)
  • Respiratory distress
  • organ damage
  • Graft failure
  • Graft versus Host disease

These complications may vary from patient to patient and may occur as a single complication or in combination.

However, improved conditioning regimens, better diagnostic systems, and effective and evolved infection control have improved the outcome and success of bone marrow transplants for both adult and child patients. At CMCS Health we have successfully treated hundreds of patients from Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Rwanda, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arab, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh patients with bone marrow transplant treatment with the best bone marrow transplant doctors in India

Bone marrow transplant (BMT) cost in India:

Bone marrow transplant cost in India depends on the following factors:

  • Type of bone marrow transplant (donor-specific)
  • Types of disease
  • Patient's response to treatment
  • Complications arising as an outcome of treatment
  • Country, where the bone marrow transplant is scheduled

 The generalized bone marrow transplant cost in India is as follows: 

Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant cost in India (with 100% HLA matching sibling donor):

Allogenic BMT cost in India (With HLA matching sibling donor)
Pre-BMT investigation cost for the donor and recipient  Approx. 1500 - 2000 USD
Bone marrow transplant cost in India (including conditioning regimen for the recipient, stem cell donation from the donor, BMT procedure for the patient, and 21 days BMT ICU stay for the recipient.      Approx. 25000 - 30000 USD
Post-BMT investigation costs for the recipient Approx. 1000 USD / for 2- 3 months


Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant cost in India (with Half match - HAPLO identical donor):

When a 100% HLA matching sibling (real biological brother or sister) donor is unavailable, a half-matched or Haploidentical donor that could be either of the parents or any sibling can be considered as a donor. The recipient needs further evaluation for donor-specific antibodies and a subsequent conditioning regimen that may include desensitization with plasma apheresis to reduce the graft rejection risk. 


Pre-BMT investigations cost for assessment 1500 - 2000 USD
Haploidentical bone marrow transplant cost in India (including conditioning regimen for the recipient, stem cell donation from the donor, BMT procedure for the patient, and 21 days BMT ICU stay for the recipient. 30000 - 35000 USD
Follow-up investigation cost after a successful BMT Approx. 1000 USD / month for 2-3 months


Allogeneic MUD-bone marrow transplant cost in India (with matching unrelated donor):

When no HLA-matching sibling donor is available for the patient and a half-matched haploidentical donor transplant is too risky, our best bone marrow transplant doctors in India try to find an unrelated HLA-matching donor by comparing high-resolution HLA match of the patient with donors in national and international bone marrow registries. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant cost in India with a matching unrelated donor (MUD) will increase considerably depending on the donor's nationality and location. Allogeneic MUD-bone marrow transplant cost in India (with matching unrelated donors) is similar to HLA matching donors in addition to the cost incurred on bone marrow donation from the matching unrelated donor.

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in India:

An autologous bone marrow transplant involves the patient's bone marrow being reinfused to the patient after conditioning. The cost of an autologous bone marrow transplant depends on the conditioning regimen and the type of disease for which the bone marrow transplant is being performed.


Pre-BMT investigations cost                                 1500 - 2000 USD
 Autologous Bone marrow transplant cost in India                                 18000 - 22000 USD
 Post-BMT follow-up investigations cost in India  400 - 800 USD


Top Bone Marrow Transplant Hospitals in India:

As global healthcare guardians for patients seeking bone marrow-stem cell transplants, we are associated with the top bone marrow transplant hospitals in India. All our associated bone marrow transplant hospitals are accredited with the Joint Commission International (JCI) for hassle-free bone marrow transplants for both cash and international health insurance company patients. These top bone marrow transplant hospitals are equipped with the latest diagnostic facilities and state-of-the-art infrastructure. These best bone marrow transplant hospitals have dedicated bone marrow transplant units with teams of doctors to look after all aspects of a successful bone marrow transplant. We have performed hundreds of successful allogenic and autologous bone marrow transplants for international patients. These best bone marrow transplant hospitals in India are well-connected with international Airports and traveling to these medical treatment centers is easy.

Best Bone marrow transplant doctors in India:

At CMCS Health, we are associated with the world's best bone marrow transplant doctors in India. Our highly qualified and best-trained associated BMT doctors have the highest success rates because of our policy of implementing 100% professional ethics. Supported by the best diagnostic facilities, supporting staff, and state-of-the-art infrastructure have all paved the way for cost-effective and result-oriented bone marrow transplant programs. Our associated best bone marrow transplant doctors in India have a combined experience of thousands of successful bone marrow transplant treatments.

Frequently asked questions about bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment in India:

Bone marrow transplant also known as stem cell transplant is an accepted and established specialized medical treatment treatment for many hematological disorders including blood cancers as well as certain lymphatic system disorders. At CMCS Health, we are associated with the Top hematologists and best bone marrow transplant doctors for low-cost bone marrow transplant treatment. International patients from many countries visit India because of the lower cost of bone marrow transplant treatment and exceptional success rates. 

Is Bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant a major surgery?

No! A bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant is not a surgery, it is more like a blood transfusion. Bone marrow or stem cells are collected either through a peripheral PIC line or with a needle placed inside the pelvic bone. The collected stem cells are infused into the patient through the central venous catheter.

Is Bone marrow transplant a risky and complex medical treatment?

Yes, a bone marrow transplant is a complex medical treatment as the risk of graft rejection is always present as well as the risk of infections due to minimizing the blood counts (the leukocytes) after the conditioning chemotherapy regimens. The risk can be minimized by doing the BMT procedure at a dedicated bone marrow transplant hospital with dedicated isolation BMT intensive care units. A BMT hospital that is well-equipped and has BMT nursing staff who are well-trained in managing chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression.

At CMCS Health, we are associated with the best bone marrow transplant (BMT) doctors to deliver successful bone marrow transplants for both malignant (cancerous) and non-malignant (noncancerous) blood disorders, and also successful bone marrow transplants for autoimmune disorders. We assure the best success rates of BMT for our international and domestic patients.

Is bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant painful?

Bone marrow or stem cell transplant is not painful, patient remains awake throughout the process.

For how many days, the bone marrow recipient will stay in the hospital for a BMT?

Usually, the bone marrow or stem cell recipient stays in the hospital for 18 to 21 days. Although the bone marrow infusion into the recipient's bloodstream is done over a couple of hours, the recipient will stay in the BMT isolation ICU for the conditioning regimen and observation. As the patient's normal counts are reduced to almost zero, extraordinary care is needed to avoid any infection to the recipient. The 

For How many days the bone marrow or stem cell donor will stay in the Hospital?

Usually, the bone marrow donor is discharged from the hospital on the same day of donation. In the case of a child being the donor, bone marrow is collected from the pubic bone through a needle, the bone marrow specialist may keep the child donor in the hospital on the night of donation for observation.

How many days of Indian stay is required for a bone marrow donor?

Donors need not stay in India for long and can safely return home in 2 to 3 days after a successful bone marrow donation.

How many days of Indian stay is required for the recipient of a bone marrow or stem cell transplant?

A recipient of a bone marrow transplant needs to stay in India for 2 to 4 months. The stay duration depends on the type of transplant too. In autologous BMT and allogeneic BMT, the recipient may go back to their native country within 2 to 3 months, if there are no complications post the successful BMT. But in the case of a Haploidentical BMT, the stay duration can be more as there are higher chances of complications. Our best bone marrow transplant doctors in India have adequate training and expertise for managing such complications.

Who is the best donor for an allogeneic bone marrow transplant?

An allogeneic bone marrow transplant is done with the bone marrow or stem cells collected from a donor. The best donor for an allogeneic bone marrow transplant is a 100% HLA-matching real brother or sister. The success percentage is increased and the related complications are reduced to a great extent in a 100% HLA-matching real brother or sister. A bone marrow transplant with either of the parents is a half match or a Haploidentical bone marrow transplant which is not as good as a 100% HLA-matching real brother or sister. If there is no 100% HLA-matching real brother or sister donor, an HLA-matching unrelated donor (MUD) is considered the second-best donor.

How the success of a bone marrow transplant is judged?

In an allogeneic bone marrow transplant the blood cell counts are low due to the conditioning regimen. The treating hematologists/ BMT specialists will order frequent blood tests especially the complete blood count (CBC). It takes weeks before the blood cells count start rising and returns to the standard range. The transplanted bone marrow (graft) in the recipient usually starts producing the blood cells in 4 weeks. It may be delayed in some patients due to infections, insufficient donor stem cells, medications, or even a graft rejection. In some patients, the blood counts come to the standard range in months after a successful BMT. Chimerism monitoring is an important tool in determining the success of a bone marrow transplant. 

What will happen to the recipient post a successful bone marrow transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is usually done to replace the damaged or faulty bone marrow in a patient with the healthy bone marrow from the donor. After a successful BMT, the donor stem cells start functioning in the recipient within 4 weeks of transplant. The new bone marrow cells also called the graft will start producing healthy blood cells in the recipient and the immune system of the recipient is reset. Sometimes it takes months or even a year in rare cases before the engraftment is complete and the recipient is fully cured of the diseased condition. After the successful BMT, the recipient will be closely monitored for the progress of engraftment, the signs of any infections, and the blood count. In some patients, it takes longer before the standard blood counts are restored. Patients will be put on immunosuppressive medications to prevent graft rejection. In case the rise in hemoglobin or platelets is taking an unusually long time, irradiated red blood cells or platelet transfusions can be administered to hasten the recovery process. Once the chimerism tests are 100% over one year, the bone marrow transplant is determined as successful.


A Bone marrow transplant treatment is a life-saving but very complex specialized medical treatment. A great amount of expertise is needed to deliver successful bone marrow transplants. We as your Global healthcare guardians and the top medical tourism assistance company have delivered scores of successful BMTs for our international patients. The best bone marrow transplant doctors in India are associated with us for Low-cost bone marrow transplant treatments for international patients.

A name one can trust for a successful low-cost bone marrow transplant in India - CMCS Health.