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Liver Transplant Surgery

Liver Transplant Surgery

Liver transplant surgery is a life-saving specialized medical treatment for the replacement of a damaged, cirrhotic liver in an end-stage liver disease patient. Usually, the healthy liver comes either from a cadaver or from a living liver donor. We are associated with the Best Liver transplant doctors in India and the top hospitals for cost-effective liver transplant surgery for international patients seeking medical treatments offshore. The success rate for a liver transplant surgery in India stands at an astounding 95%. The improved hospital infrastructure, use of the latest cutting-edge technologies, expertise, and competency combined with the vast experience of the liver transplant surgery team, and well-trained and qualified nursing and support staff have contributed immensely to the high success rates of liver transplant surgery in India.

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Liver transplant surgery in India:

CMCS Health, a leading medical tourism assistance company, facilitates cost-effective liver transplant surgery in India for international patients, seeking specialized medical treatments offshore. The first successful liver transplant surgery in India was performed at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in 1998. Since then liver transplant surgeries are routinely performed in Indian super specialty hospitals. The newly constructed and dedicated state-of-the-art infrastructure, ultramodern diagnostic facilities, and the coming together of multidisciplinary specialist doctor teams to manage solid organ transplant patients have given impetus to liver transplant programs in India. Now most of the top multispecialty hospitals in India have established their credentials in the super specialized field of liver transplant surgery. The top liver transplant hospitals in India are routinely performing complex liver transplant surgeries with very good success rates.

India is a preferred destination for low-cost liver transplant surgery 

The high success rates of liver transplant surgeries in India, the ultramodern infrastructures in top liver transplant hospitals in India, almost no waiting period ( readiness of proper documentation of donor and liver recipient, fitness and suitability of donor), expertise and competency of liver transplant teams, and exceptionally low cost as compared to other countries have propelled India as a preferred destination among the international patients, seeking successful liver transplants offshore.

Moreover, the availability of low-cost rental apartments or budget hotel rooms in the vicinity of the treating hospitals has also contributed to the popularity of India as the destination of choice for successful liver transplant surgery. As a Global healthcare guardian for international patients and a leading medical tourism assistance company, CMCS Health has facilitated scores of successful liver transplants in India, including pediatric liver transplants for patients from central Asia, the commonwealth of independent states like Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mongolia, and many African countries. 

The need for a liver transplant surgery:

The liver is one of the vital organs among the five vital organs in the human body. A healthy liver performs several essential functions for the sustenance of life. When a liver is failing or damaged, a person can survive only through a liver transplant surgery. The liver damage can be both acute and chronic. People with primary liver cancer also need liver transplant surgery for survival. These liver diseases and medical conditions will require a liver transplant surgery for the survival of the patient:

  • Liver cirrhosis is scarring of liver tissues that are spongy otherwise. Liver Cirrhosis is a chronic liver condition that can occur due to viral Infection with Hepatitis A, B, and Hepatitis C.
  • Alcohol-related or Alcohol-induced liver damage (ARLD) due to chronic alcoholism.
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease occurs due to the replacement of healthy spongy liver tissues by fatty tissues.
  • Hemochromatosis is a genetic medical condition in which iron overload takes place that subsequently damages the liver.
  • Wilson's disease is also a genetic medical condition where too much copper accumulates in the liver and subsequently causes liver damage.
  • Primary biliary Cholangitis (PBC) is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in the biliary duct and over some time the biliary ducts get damaged. When the biliary ducts are damaged, the bile accumulates in the liver, causing liver cirrhosis, and will require PBC patients to undergo liver transplant surgery. Women are more prone to suffer from primary biliary cholangitis.
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a disease of bile ducts, that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine. Damage to bile ducts culminates into liver damage. Although liver transplants can be done for patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis a few patients may have a recurrence of the liver damage.
  • Biliary atresia is a congenital gastrointestinal disorder in a child. In biliary atresia, a child is born either with a closed biliary system or the biliary drainage system is absent. When the bile accumulates in the liver instead of being drained to the intestine, it causes liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver. Most pediatric liver transplants are done because of biliary atresia.
  • Autoimmune hepatitis may cause liver cirrhosis and the patient may have to undergo a liver transplant surgery for survival.
  • Acute Liver failure is a sudden onset of liver failure. Acute liver failure can occur in people with no pre-existing liver disease and as a result of hepatitis virus, substance abuse, or overdosing on drugs such as acetaminophen. In many cases, the acute liver failure may be reversed but if it does not, the patient will need a liver transplant surgery.
  • Primary Liver cancer is also an indication for liver transplant surgery if the size of the tumor is less than 6 cm in diameter.

Not all liver cirrhosis patients benefit from liver transplant surgery. Only the mentioned failing liver or cirrhotic liver disease patients will be considered for a liver transplant surgery:

  1. Liver disease patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis.
  2. Liver disease patients with compensated liver cirrhosis, are at the risk of developing liver cancer subsequently.
  3. Patients with irreversible sudden or acute liver failure who never had long-term liver disease
  4. Primary liver cancer patients with localized and less than 6 cm diameter malignant liver tumors

The best liver transplant doctors in India will carefully examine every liver disease patient to assess the feasibility of liver transplant surgery. CMCS Health offers quality medical tourism assistance for international patients seeking successful liver transplant surgery in India. Our trained and dedicated patient care experts assist international patients in all aspects to get a low-cost successful liver transplant surgery.

Types of liver transplant surgery performed in India:

The best liver transplant doctors in India are performing the following types of liver transplants with the highest success rates.

Orthotopic liver transplants:

Orthotopic liver transplant is replacing the damaged liver in an end-stage liver disease patient with a healthy liver procured from a deceased donor, who has pledged organ donation in case of being brain dead. It is ensured that the recipient has the same blood group, almost the same size as the cadaver. It is also imperative that the deceased donor does not have transmissible illness or cancers that may be transmitted to the recipient. Although deceased donor livers are not readily available, the patient has to register himself/herself at well-managed liver transplant centers in case of availability of suitable deceased donor liver. The waiting period could be long, so it is not feasible for an international patient seeking liver transplant surgery in India. 

Split liver transplants:

Split liver transplants are also orthotopic liver transplants where the deceased donor's liver is split into two and transplanted into two end-stage liver disease patients. In Split liver transplant surgery, the left lateral cadaveric liver is transplanted into a child, and the right extended liver is transplanted into an adult patient. A split liver transplant is a complex liver transplantation that requires a high level of technical expertise and a comprehensive knowledge of possible anatomic variations. Our expert Indian liver transplant surgeons possess the desired expertise and competency for performing this complex variation of liver transplant surgery with great success rates. Although it increases the availability of deceased donor liver for pediatric and adult patients. The lengthy and time-consuming process of finding a suitable cadaveric donor does not make it a viable option for international patients seeking successful liver transplants offshore.

Living donor liver transplant surgery in India:

Living donor liver transplants are a viable treatment option for international patients seeking liver transplant surgery in India. Most of the liver transplants in India for international patients are being done with a living donor. After careful consideration and going through all the investigation reports of both the living liver donor and the end-stage liver disease patient, the liver transplant doctors' team will ask the liver transplant coordinator to organize an organ transplant committee for approval of the liver transplant. After the approval of the organ transplant committee, the date for liver transplant surgery is given by the treating liver transplant team of doctors.

Who can be a living liver donor for a liver transplant surgery in India:

In India as per the regulation guidelines given by the government of India, only blood relatives can be living liver donors for end-stage liver disease patients. A healthy blood-related person in the age group of 18 to 55 years can be a living liver donor in India. The living liver donor should be able to safely undergo a major surgical procedure. The living liver donor should be mentally sound and be able to understand the risks associated with liver donation. The donor's age, blood type, and organ size also are critical considerations in selecting the right living liver donor for a successful liver transplant surgery in India. Both the living liver donor and the recipient will also undergo a government of India-appointed organ transplant committee for approval. During the organ transplant committee, the committee members will try to determine the relationship between the living liver donor and the recipient. They will question both the recipient and the living liver donor separately to ascertain if the donation is done purely out of compassion, empathy, and altruism. There is no financial benefit or pressure on the living liver donor. Once the organ transplant committee is fully convinced about the fairness of living organ donation, they will approve the living liver donation for liver transplant surgery in India.

The Process of Living Donor Liver Transplant in India:

The living donor liver transplant surgery is a complex surgery to replace the damaged or cirrhotic liver with a portion of a healthy liver from a living liver donor. The process starts with evaluating both the donor and recipient with a thorough screening, including blood and imaging tests. The treating liver transplant doctors' team needs to confirm the feasibility of a liver transplant surgery for the recipient and the safety and post-liver donation effect on the donor. CMCS Health - Your Global Healthcare Guardian offers liver transplant surgery costs in India which is the lowest in the World. As the best medical tourism assistance firm, we are associated with the best liver transplant doctors in India. Top liver transplant hospitals in India have no waiting period for a living donor liver transplant. A patient can have liver transplant surgery in India immediately after the medical and legal evaluation and approval of the organ transplant committee.

Tests needed for the Living liver donor for Liver transplant surgery:

The following Laboratory investigations and Imaging tests will be needed for a living liver donor for liver transplant surgery in India to ascertain the suitability as a living liver donor for the recipient as well as to determine the safety and post-donation effects on the future life of the living liver donor.

Blood tests for living liver donors:

  • Blood Group with rhesus factor
  • CBC or complete blood count ( Hemogram)
  • Liver function tests (LFT)
  • Kidney function tests (KFT)
  • Lipid profile
  • TSH
  • Viral Markers and extensive antibodies (Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, and HIV1 & HIV2)
  • Blood coagulation profile ( PTT, INR/PT)
  • Random, fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels and HB1aC
  • Serology ( Antibody tests) - Anti Hb core, CMVIgG, IgM
  • CA - 125 for female donors and PSA (prostate-specific antigen) for above 40 years male donor
  • HLA typing test

Urine test:

  • Urine culture
  • Protein creatinine ratio
  • Urine (SPOT)

Cardiac evaluation for a living liver donor:

  • ECG & EKG
  • Echocardiogram
  • Stress echo 

Pulmonary evaluation:

  • Chest X-ray
  • Spirometry (lung function test)

Imaging tests for a living Liver Donor:

  • Chest X-Ray
  • Ultrasound of the whole abdomen
  • Fibroscan
  • CECT- Liver triple phase angiogram (liver angio, LAI, volumetry)
  • MRCP ( magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography)

Any underlying cancer screening for female donors:

  • PAP smear ( for married women donors)
  • CA-125
  • USG Breast ( for women donors younger than 35 years) or mammogram ( for women donors above 35 years)

Psychology test:

The living liver donor must be mentally stable and understand liver donation's risks. The living liver donor must undergo a psychological assessment test for sound mental health.

All the above-mentioned investigations for the living liver donor will help the liver transplant team in determining the fitness of the living liver donor and match with the recipient. If any of the living liver donor tests indicate any risk to the donor's future life or the chances of rejection of the donated liver by the recipient, the liver transplant team will reject the donor and will start assessing another suitable liver donor.

PAC or anesthesia clearance:

When all test reports are in order and the Liver transplant doctors' team decides that the donor can safely donate a portion of the liver, the liver donor will be advised to go for a pre-anesthesia checkup before the surgery.

Tests needed for the liver recipient:

The liver recipient (end-stage liver disease patient) will also undergo laboratory investigations and imaging tests to ascertain the feasibility of liver transplant surgery. 

Blood tests for liver recipients:

  • Blood Group with rhesus factor
  • CBC or complete blood count ( Hemogram)
  • Liver function tests (LFT)
  • Fibrinogen
  • Kidney function tests (KFT)
  • Lipid profile
  • TSH
  • Viral Markers and extensive antibodies (Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, and HIV1 & HIV2)
  • Blood coagulation profile ( PTT, INR/PT)
  • Random, fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels and HB1aC
  • Serology ( Antibody tests) - Anti Hb core, CMVIgG, IgM
  • Tumor markers ( AFP, CEA, CA19-9,CA_125 for females and PSA for men)
  • G6PD levels
  • HLA typing test

Urine test:

  • Urine culture/sensitivity, Urine R/M, Urinary NA, Urinary ACR
  • Protein creatinine ratio
  • Urine (SPOT)

Cardiac evaluation for liver recipients:

  • ECG & EKG
  • Echocardiogram
  • Stress echo or dobutamine stress echo

Pulmonary evaluation:

  • Chest X-ray
  • Spirometry (lung function test)

Imaging tests for Liver Recipients:

  • Chest X-Ray
  • Ultrasound of the whole abdomen
  • Fibroscan
  • CECT- Liver triple phase angiogram (liver angio, LAI, volumetry)
  • MRCP ( magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography)

Any underlying cancer screening for female recipients:

  • PAP smear ( for married women )
  • CA-125
  • USG Breast ( for women younger than 35 years) or mammogram ( for women above 35 years)

Psychology test:

The Recipient must be mentally stable and should understand the risks of liver transplant surgery. The liver recipient must undergo a psychological assessment test for sound mental health.

PAC or anesthesia clearance:

When all test reports are in order and the liver transplant doctors' team decides that the patient can be safely taken for a liver transplant, the patient will be advised to go for a pre-anesthesia checkup before the surgery.

The Liver recipients may also need the following additional investigations depending on etiology:

  • HBV DNA quantitative (For Hepatitis B positive patients)
  • HCV RNA quantitative (For Hepatitis C positive patients)
  • Autoimmune markers (ANA/IgG,Total/ASMA/Anti LKM/ANCA
  • Serum Ceruloplasmin/24 hours urinary copper, Serum copper
  • Serum Iron studies
  • PET CT scan (in case of primary liver cancer)
  • CT coronary angiography (if the recipient is suspected of having a coronary artery disease)
  • Bilateral carotid Doppler (If the recipient has diabetes mellitus)
  • Covid 19 RTPCR/RAT

Once all the investigation reports are thoroughly examined by the liver transplant doctors team and the test results for both living liver donor and recipient are found satisfactory, the liver transplant coordinator is asked to conduct a DNA finger typing test for the living liver donor and the recipient and conduct a liver transplant committee with the government of India appointed observers for their approval.

DNA finger typing test for the living liver donor and the Liver recipient:

A living donor Liver transplant surgery in India is allowed when the living liver donor is blood-related to the recipient, In the case of spouses donating for each other, marriage certification and documentation are needed. A DNA finger typing Test will confirm that the living liver donor and the liver recipient are blood-related.

Most of the evaluation test costs for both the donor and recipient are included in the liver transplant surgery package cost in India.

Preparing for Liver transplant committee Approval:

Once the medical evaluation for both the living liver donor and the liver recipient is completed, the liver transplant surgery hospital's liver transplant coordinator will organize approval from a government of India-appointed organ transplant committee. The following legal documentation will needed for organ transplant committee approval:

  • The liver transplant coordinator of the treating hospital will prepare the family tree. The family tree will mention all the recipient's family members including the grandparents and grandchildren ( if applicable). It will also mention the blood group and medical conditions of all the family members.
  • Two Photo IDs of the living liver donor and the recipient. It could be any national ID card, Driving license, or any other photo ID.
  • DNA finger-typing reports will establish the relationship between the living liver donor and recipient. It needs to be presented to the organ transplant committee.
  • Affidavits from both the living liver donor and recipient, stating their relationship.
  • Family photographs with both the donor and recipient in the same frame may be during a family function or get-together.
  • Bank account details of both the living donor and the recipient.
  • Marriage certificate and other marriage documentation in case the spouses are donor and recipient.
  • Declaration from the head of the family of the donor ( parents in case the donor is unmarried or the spouse in case the donor is married) that they do not have any objection to the donor donating a part of the liver to the recipient.
  • Passport-size photographs of both donor and recipient ( 4 to 8 sets each)
  • No objection certificate from the recipient and donor's country embassy in India.

Once all the medical checklists and legal documentation are in order, the liver transplant coordinator will organize an organ transplant committee for approval of the liver transplant in India. A government of India-appointed organ transplant committee will verify all the documentation of the donor and recipient. The Organ Transplant Committee will also interview the donor and recipient separately to ensure that the donor is donating part of the liver purely out of compassion and love for the patient. There is no pressure on the donor or any financial gains are involved. The committee will also ascertain that the donor and the recipient are blood-related. After the approval of the organ transplant committee, the liver transplant doctors' team will give a surgery date for the liver transplant.

Living donor Liver transplant surgery in India:

Both the liver donor and the recipient are admitted to the hospital one day before the liver transplant surgery. Liver transplant surgery for both the donor and recipient is done under general anesthesia. The liver transplant doctor team will thoroughly image map the donor's liver including the 3D images of the liver to determine the best surgical approach. They will prepare for the liver donor surgery by thoroughly examining the 3D images of the donor's liver to determine the size of the liver, the liver blood vessels' location, and the side of the liver removal for donation. We are associated with the best liver transplant doctors in India for successful liver transplant surgery for international patients seeking specialized medical treatments offshore. Our expert liver transplant doctors in India offer the highest success rates for liver transplant surgery in India.

How much of the donor's liver is removed for the recipient?

The liver transplant doctor team can safely remove up to 2/3rd of the living liver donor's liver for the liver transplant surgery. For an adult recipient, the liver transplant doctor team will either remove the left lobe (1/3rd of the donor's liver) or the right lobe (2/3rd of the donor's liver). For a child liver recipient left lateral segment (about 15-20%) is removed for a liver transplant surgery. The liver is the only solid organ in the human body that regenerates itself within a few weeks to attend the full functionality and volume.

The process of liver transplant surgery:

The liver transplant surgery for both the donor and recipient is done simultaneously by two different teams of doctors. One team will remove part of the donor's liver while the other team will remove the recipient's liver completely to prepare the recipient for the liver transplant surgery. Donor liver partial hepatectomy is usually done by minimally invasive laparoscopic technique. The acquired donor liver is then transplanted into the recipient. While removing the donor's liver, the team of doctors will be very careful to not damage any bile duct to blood vessels. The donor will remain in the intensive care unit of the liver transplant department on the night of the surgery for careful observation. When the doctor team determines that all the vitals are normal for the liver donor, they will shift him to a normal hospital room for recovery. Generally, the living liver donor remains in the hospital for 5 to 7 days. The donor will be prescribed pain medicines and prophylactic antibiotics if needed and asked to visit the LIver transplant OPD for weekly follow-ups to ensure that he/she has fully recovered and will not face any complications in the future. 

During the complete removal of the damaged liver in the recipient, doctors will clamp the bile ducts and all attached blood vessels. When the liver transplant doctor team puts the donor liver in the recipient, they will carefully join the blood vessels and bile ducts to the donated liver. The recipient will remain in the isolation intensive care unit after the successful liver transplant surgery for close observation. When the treating liver transplant doctors' team is sure about the success of liver transplant surgery, the recipient will be discharged from the hospital usually after 19 to 21 days. If any complication arises or the recovery is not as expected, the hospital stay for the recipient may be prolonged till the doctor team determines that it is safe to discharge the recipient from the hospital. The recipient will be prescribed medications including immunosuppressive medications to avoid rejection of the newly grafted donor liver. The recipient will be asked to visit the liver transplant OPD for follow-ups. Certain blood tests like CBC, liver function tests, and immunosuppressive medications blood levels are also tested for the immunosuppressive medications dose modulation. 

As Global Healthcare Guardians for international patients seeking successful specialized medical treatments offshore, we are associated with top liver transplant hospitals in India. 

Care for the living liver donor post a successful liver donation:

The living liver donor does not face any complications or debilitating effects in future life after a successful liver donation. The living liver donor lives a full life and will be able to do everything post a successful liver donation. The recovery for a living liver donor may take a few weeks but the full recovery may take 3 -6 months. The best liver transplant doctors in India advise the following precautions post a successful liver donation:

  • Surgical wound care - The doctors will advise about surgical wound care for quicker healing.
  • Any discharge from the incision site or fever should be reported to the liver transplant doctor team.
  • Not doing any strenuous exercises or lifting heavy weights for at least three months post the donation.
  • The donor should avoid alcohol consumption or any medications or herbal preparations that can be toxic to the liver.
  • Avoid driving the vehicle for at least 6 weeks after the liver donation.
  • Women living liver donors should avoid getting pregnant in the first year after a successful liver transplant surgery.

Care for the liver recipient after a successful liver transplant surgery:

The liver recipient must follow up with the liver transplant doctor team every week initially or even earlier if they feel any discomfort, fever, or discharge from the incision site. The following precautions will be advised to the liver recipient by the best liver transplant doctors in India post a successful liver transplant surgery:

  • Surgical wound care as advised by the liver transplant doctor team.
  • Report to the liver transplant team if there is any unusual discharge from the incision site or a fever.
  • Follow strictly the laboratory tests advised by the liver transplant doctor team (especially the immunosuppressive medication blood levels and liver function tests) and inform the liver transplant doctor team about the results.
  • Take the medications including the immunosuppressive medications regularly and timely as advised to avoid rejection of the newly grafted liver.
  • Take precautions to avoid infections as your inherent immunity is compromised.
  • Eat properly cooked food, do not take salads or uncooked or undercooked food. Eat only those fruits where you can peel off the skin of the fruit.
  • Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juices as they interfere with the absorption of immunosuppressive medications.
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights or doing strenuous exercises in the first three months post a successful liver transplant surgery in India.
  • Avoid driving a vehicle in the first three months post a successful liver transplant surgery.
  • In the case of women recipients, they should avoid getting pregnant in the first year after a successful liver transplant surgery.
  • Periodic follow-up with the liver transplant doctor team for overall general health and immunosuppressive medication dose modulations.

The Success rate of Liver transplant surgery in India:

Liver transplant surgery has revolutionized the treatments for end-stage liver disease patients. The unmatched expertise of the best liver transplant doctors in India, the introduction of cutting-edge technologies, and the ultramodern state-of-the-art infrastructure have made India a preferred destination for international patients seeking specialized medical treatments offshore.

The success rate for a living donor liver transplant in India is as high as 95% for most end-stage liver disease patients. Successful liver transplant surgery means the acceptance of the grafted liver in the recipient's body, the regeneration of liver tissues in the living liver donor, and the recipient and liver function returning to normal in both the living liver donor and the recipient.

Liver transplant surgery cost in India:

The Liver transplant surgery cost in India depends on several factors. These factors include the overall health of the recipient, the top liver transplant hospitals in India, the expertise of the best Liver transplant doctors in India, and any stay beyond the liver transplant surgery package or any additional medical treatment either for a pre-existing medical condition or any complication arising due to liver transplant surgery. The Average liver transplant surgery cost in India is as follows:

Liver transplant surgery cost in India.

Liver transplant surgery cost in India ( LTP - Package) 

The LTP package cost includes prior liver transplant workup investigations for both donor and recipient, liver transplant surgery for both the donor and recipient, and hospital stay for both donor and recipient.

24'000 - 30'000 USD 
Investigations for the liver donor and recipients that are not part of the LTP package cost. 1000 - 1500 USD

Post successful Liver transplant lab. Investigation cost

( Liver function tests, blood tests, and tacrolimus.everolimus serum levels)

 Approx. 200-250 USD/month for 1- 2 months.


  • Please note that the above LTP package is a generalized liver transplant surgery cost in India.
  • Any hospital overstay because of complications for the donor and the recipient will be charged extra.
  • Any other procedure which is not part of the package will be charged extra.

Best Liver transplant surgery doctors in India:

The Best Liver transplant doctors in India are acknowledged for their competency and expertise. Our associated expert liver transplant doctors have vast experience in delivering successful liver transplant surgeries for international patients seeking low-cost liver transplant surgery in India. The best Liver transplant surgeons in India are:

  1. Dr. Prof. Mohamed Rela, Chairman & Managing director - Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery, Rela Hospital, Chennai, India.
  2. Dr. Arvinder Singh Soin, Chairman - Liver Transplantation and Institute of hepatobiliary surgery & liver transplantation at Medanta- The Medicity hospital, Gurugram, India.
  3. Dr. Subhash Gupta, Chairman - Liver transplantation & hepatobiliary surgery, Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  4. Dr. Vivek Vij, Chairman - Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Surgery at Fortis memorial research institute, Gurugram, Fortis escorts heart institute, New Delhi, Fortis Hospital, Noida, India.
  5. Dr. Giriraj Singh Bora, Chief - Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India.
  6. Dr. Neerav Goyal, Senior Consultant & HOD - Liver transplantation and Hepatobiliary surgery at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  7. Dr. Abhideep Chaudhary, Vice chairman & HOD - Hepatobiliary surgery and Liver Transplantation at BLK max super specialty hospital, New Delhi, India.
  8. Dr. Shailendra Lawani, HOD & Chief - Liver transplantation - Hepatobiliary - pancreatic surgery, Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi, India.
  9. Dr. Ankur Garg, Director & HOD - Digestive and Liver Disease - Liver transplantation, Sanar International Hospital, Gurugram, India.
  10. Dr. Thiagarajan Srinivasan, Senior Consultant & Director - Hepatobilary sciences & liver transplantation at MGM Healthcare Hospital, Chennai, India.

Top liver transplant surgery hospitals in India:

The liver transplant surgery hospitals in India have the latest cutting-edge technologies, best and state-of-the-art infrastructures with the latest diagnostic facilities to offer low-cost liver transplant surgery in India for international patients seeking successful specialized medical treatments in India. Top Liver transplant Hospitals in India are:

  • Rela Hospital, Chennai, India.
  • Fortis Hospitals, Gurugram, New Delhi, Noida, India.
  • Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  • BLK Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  • Medanta- The medicity, Gurugram, India.
  • Manipal Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  • Sanar International Hospital, Gurugram, India.
  • Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India.
  • MGM Healthcare Hospital, Chennai, India.

Top Liver transplant hospitals in India are regularly performing complex liver transplant surgeries for both Indian and international liver disease patients. Top Liver transplant hospitals in India are supported by the multidisciplinary specialist doctors' team for carrying out successful low-cost liver transplant surgeries in India. The NABH and JCI-accredited specialized medical treatment centers in India are well-equipped and well-manged for successful liver transplant surgery in India.

The Highest success rates and lowest donor mortality rates are the Hallmarks of liver transplant surgery in India. You can trust CMCS Health - Your Global Healthcare Guardian for a successful Liver transplant surgery in India.