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Best Bone marrow transplant hospitals in India


Best bone marrow transplant hospitals in India

Bone marrow transplant (BMT) is a complex medical procedure. Bone marrow transplants are approved and universally accepted specialized medical treatments for various hematological disorders (both malignant or cancerous and non-malignant or non-cancerous), some solid tumors (Ewing's sarcoma, neuroblastoma, Wilm's tumor), and autoimmune disorders (Multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, and Scleroderma). As the best medical tourism assistance company, CMCS Health is associated with the best bone marrow transplant hospitals in India. Our associated top bone marrow transplant hospitals are well-equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies and dedicated BMT units for optimum care for bone marrow transplant patients. 

What makes a hospital the best bone marrow transplant hospital in India:

Bone marrow transplant (BMT) or Hemopoitic stem cell transplant (HSCT) is the replacement of faulty or damaged bone marrow in a patient with healthy and normal bone marrow either from the patient itself (autologous bone marrow transplant) or from a HLA matching donor (allogeneic bone marrow transplant). Bone marrow transplant (BMT) is a comparatively new medical treatment that requires a dedicated unit equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, and dedicated bone marrow transplant isolation ICUs that use the latest technologies to disinfect the ICU. The bone marrow transplant procedure involves chemotherapy conditioning regimens as myeloablative therapy for destroying the faulty or damaged bone marrow with healthy and normal bone marrow. The following parameters and the latest cutting-edge technologies used, make the hospitals offering bone marrow transplants the best bone marrow transplant (BMT) hospitals in India:

Competent and experienced BMT doctors:

The success of a bone marrow transplant procedure depends on many factors. The competency and experience of specialist bone marrow transplant doctors are the key to success for a complex medical procedure like a bone marrow transplant. A bone marrow transplant procedure is a big challenge as every individual BMT patient responds differently to the treatment and may undergo different sets of complications. A well-experienced and expert bone marrow transplant specialist doctor has encountered numerous complications of BMT procedures and possesses vast experience in handling those complications. CMCS Health, a leading medical tourism assistance company is associated with the best and most experienced bone marrow transplant specialist doctors for successful bone marrow transplants for international patients. BMT departments in the top bone marrow transplant hospitals in India are headed by the most experienced and competent BMT doctors with experience in performing hundreds of successful bone marrow transplant procedures for various medical conditions.

Dedicated isolation BMT intensive care units:


Best Bone marrow transplant Hospitals in India - CMCS health.


The bone marrow transplant procedure requires myeloablative treatments for destroying the non-functional or damaged bone marrow before infusing the healthy and functional bone marrow ( either from the patient or an HLA-matching donor). The inherent and natural immunity is provided by the lymphocytes (white blood cells). The Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow. The Myeloablative therapies destroy the bone marrow and bring the lymphocyte levels to almost zero, thereby exposing the bone marrow recipient to the risk of life-threatening infections. Best bone marrow transplant hospitals in India have dedicated isolation BMT intensive care units to prevent the chances of any infections by using the latest and cutting-edge technologies to disinfect and sanitize the BMT units. The Isolation intensive care units for bone marrow transplant patients in the best bone marrow transplant hospitals in India take every step and measure to prevent any opportunistic or hospital-acquired infection.

The nursing and support BMT staff:

The bone marrow transplant ICU nurses and support staff form the backbone of the best BMT centers in India. The qualification and experience of a specialist nursing and support staff play a vital role in the success rates of bone marrow transplant procedures. 


BMT Nursing staff - Best BMT centers in India- CMCS Health.


In-house Pathology laboratory:

Modern and equipped with the latest diagnostic facilities in-house pathologies are another cog in determining the success rates of bone marrow transplant procedures. The Best BMT centers in India have their in-house diagnostic laboratories with the most experienced pathologists to provide timely and accurate diagnosis and analysis for bone marrow transplant patient investigations.

In-house Blood Bank:

Best BMT hospitals in India have their blood banks. Having an Inhouse blood bank is a big advantage for successful bone marrow transplants. Bone marrow transplant patients may need blood ( RBCs, and platelet) transfusions. Having an In-house blood bank also helps BMT patients in a big way.

Multidisciplinary medical specialties under one roof:

Bone marrow transplants in India are performed in the best multi-specialty hospitals in India. Having a multidisciplinary setting, different specialist doctors come together to provide optimum care for bone marrow transplant patients. A bone marrow transplant is a complex medical treatment that may cause unexpected and unwarranted adverse events during the treatment. Having different specialty doctors in the same hospital at the same time will help in their collaboration in real-time for better care for the BMT patients.

The location of the best BMT treatment center:

The location of a BMT center is also crucial for international patients seeking BMT in India. The top bone marrow transplant hospitals in India are located in major Indian cities with good connectivity. Moreover, most bone marrow transplant centers in India have nearby budget hotels and furnished rental apartments in safe and secure environments for international patients. As the BMT procedure may require the international BMT patient to stay in India for 2- 3 months, the location of the BMT hospital is crucial for international patients.

India is the preferred destination for Low-cost successful BMT.

The leading multispecialty hospitals in India have revamped their hospital infrastructures and updated the latest technologies to cater to growing international patients, seeking bone marrow transplants in India. The competency and expertise of Indian bone marrow transplant specialist doctors with very good BMT success rates, and low medical treatment costs have propelled India to be among the top BMT destinations for international patients.  Many Top bone marrow transplant hospitals in India are now routinely performing successful bone marrow transplants for both Indian and international patients. The prompt start of medical treatments (no waiting period) low cost of accommodation rentals, and the availability of bilingual language interpreters have also made the best BMT centers in India, the number 1 choice among international patients seeking successful bone marrow transplants offshore.

Best Bone marrow transplant hospitals in India:

The top bone marrow transplant hospitals in India offer successful low-cost bone marrow transplants for international patients. The competency and expertise of the best Indian BMT doctors, the state-of-the-art infrastructure, and the latest cutting-edge technologies have made top BMT centers in India as favorite destinations among international patients seeking specialized medical treatments offshore.

Fortis Memorial Research Institute | Best BMT center in India.

Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, India is the flagship hospital of the leading Indian hospital chain, Fortis Healthcare is one of the best BMT centers in India. FMRI has performed more than 1000 successful bone marrow transplants for both pediatric and adult BMT patients. More than 2000 Successful Bone Marrow Transplants within a very short Span. Caters to domestic and foreign patients from more than 50 countries from all across the world. FMRI offers comprehensive bone marrow transplant treatment with a dedicated radiation unit for whole-body radiation.

  • A big team of qualified Adult and Pediatric BMT specialist doctors 
  • Bone marrow transplant for both Adult and Pediatric patient
  • Excellent success rates for both Adult and Pediatric bone marrow transplants
  • Regarded as the top Bone marrow Transplant Hospital in India
  • Fortis Memorial Research Institute offers BMT for all blood disorders including benign blood diseases like Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and Aplastic Anemia, and blood cancers like AML, ALL, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma

BLK Max Super Specialty Hospital | Best BMT hospital in India.

BLK Max Super Specialty Hospital is a multi-specialty hospital in New Delhi, India from one of the largest hospital chains in India, Max Healthcare. BLK MAX is one of the best bone marrow transplant hospitals in India and the first hospital in New Delhi to establish and successfully perform an Unrelated Donor Stem Cell Transplant for Thalassemia Major using donors from the Indian registry. 

  • The center for Bone marrow transplant at BLK Max Hospital is one of the biggest BMT centers in North India.
  • BLK MAX Super Specialty Hospital has an in-house state-of-the-art laboratory & transfusion services, along with a fully equipped radiation oncology unit, with a facility for total body irradiation.
  • Offers both Adult and Pediatric Bone marrow transplants
  • Regarded as a premier Bone marrow transplant center and Top bone marrow transplant hospital in India.
  • BLK Max Hospital offers BMT treatment for all blood disorders including benign blood disorders like Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and Aplastic Anemia, and blood cancers like AML, ALL, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital | Top bone marrow transplant hospital in India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital is the pioneer super specialty hospital in New Delhi, India. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital performs both pediatric and adult bone marrow transplants. Indraprastha Apollo is regarded as the pioneer private Hospital in North India that started the medical treatment for foreign patients in India. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital is a well-established name in almost 70 countries from all across the world for quality specialized medical treatments in India. 

  • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital offers both Adult and pediatric bone marrow transplants.
  • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital has a dedicated radiation therapy unit for whole-body radiation and comprehensive bone marrow transplant treatment
  • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital offers allogeneic and Autologous bone marrow transplants
  • Offers pediatric Bone marrow transplants for noncancerous blood disorders like thalassemia, sickle cell disease, and Aplastic anemia
  • One of the Best BMT centers in India for blood cancer treatments for both adult and pediatric patients

Artemis Hospital | Best bone marrow transplant hospital in India.

Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India is one of the leading multi-specialty hospitals in north India. With a dedicated 14-bed BMT ICU, Artemis Hospital is one of the top BMT hospitals in north India. Artemis Hospital is a well-known name for low-cost bone marrow transplant treatment for both Adult and Pediatric patients. The dedicated BMT unit at Artemis Hospital provides quality BMT and blood transfusion services to foreign patients. 

  • Artemis Hospital offers bone marrow transplants for all blood disorders including blood cancers
  • Have a dedicated radiation therapy unit for whole-body radiation for comprehensive bone marrow transplant treatment
  • Artemis Hospital is one of the top BMT Hospital for thalassemia, sickle cell disease, and Aplastic anemia
  • One of the top BMT centers in India for blood cancer treatments for both adult and pediatric patients
  • Best bone marrow transplant Hospital in India for foreign patients seeking a cost-effective BMT in India.

Medanta - The Medicity | Best Bone marrow transplant Hospital in India.

Medanta - The Medicity, Gurugram, India is one of the biggest multi-specialty hospitals in North India. One of the Best BMT centers in north India, Medanta offers BMT for both adult and pediatric patients.

Click here to Get a free video Consultation and counseling from the Best BMT specialist Doctors in India.  Click Here to Get a cost estimation quote and Book an Appointment with the Top Bmt Hospitals in India.



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